Create your website with blocks

- Constipation in Parkinson’s DiseaseCauses, Management, and When to Seek Help Parkinson’s disease (PD) is well-known for its motor symptoms, such as tremors and muscle rigidity, but non-motor symptoms can be just as challenging. Among these, constipation is one of the most common and frustrating issues for patients with Parkinson’s. At Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center, we aim to… Read more: Constipation in Parkinson’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease and SleepUnraveling the Impact of Sleep Disturbances on Parkinson’s Patients Parkinson’s disease (PD) is widely recognized for its motor symptoms, such as tremors and slowness of movement, but it’s less commonly known that this neurodegenerative disorder significantly affects sleep. Sleep disturbances in Parkinson’s patients not only disrupt rest but also contribute to the worsening of both… Read more: Parkinson’s Disease and Sleep
- 10 Causes of SpasticityWhat Is Spasticity? Spasticity is a neurological condition characterized by an abnormal muscle tone or stiffness increase, which can significantly impair bodily functions and daily activities. This condition varies from mild stiffness to severe, painful, uncontrollable muscle spasms. Common signs and symptoms of spasticity include discomfort or pain, hypertonicity, clonus, exaggerated deep tendon reflexes, muscle… Read more: 10 Causes of Spasticity
- TestAnnouncement This is a success alert with an example link. Give it a click if you like.
Add block patterns
Block patterns are pre-designed groups of blocks. To add one, select the Add Block button [+] in the toolbar at the top of the editor. Switch to the Patterns tab underneath the search bar, and choose a pattern.
Frame your images
Twenty Twenty-One includes stylish borders for your content. With an Image block selected, open the “Styles” panel within the Editor sidebar. Select the “Frame” block style to activate it.
Overlap columns
Twenty Twenty-One also includes an overlap style for column blocks. With a Columns block selected, open the “Styles” panel within the Editor sidebar. Choose the “Overlap” block style to try it out.
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Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida.