What Is a Movement Disorder?
A movement disorder is a neurological condition that causes problems with a person’s movement.
To further clarify the definition above, a “neurological condition” is defined as a condition that can affect the entirety of a person’s nervous system, including the central nervous system (which includes the brain and spinal cord) as well as the peripheral nervous system (which includes the ganglia and the peripheral nerves).
Some movement disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, are classified as neurodegenerative, a type of disease where the nervous system cells stop working or die. The degenerative part of neurodegenerative signifies that these diseases typically get worse over time, causing the symptoms associated with the disease to increase in severity, frequency, or both. Diseases that tend to get worse over time are also described as “progressive” diseases. Other movement disorders don’t necessarily get worse over time. Instead, the symptoms can level off or “plateau,” remaining at the same level for an extended period (or even forever). Conditions like these are described as “chronic.”
The Movement Disorders We Treat
At Neurology Solutions, we primarily focus on the treatment of the following nine movement disorders.
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