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deep brain stimulation support and learning

Deep Brain Stimulation Learning, Support Group

Undergoing surgery for Deep Brain Stimulation can be a stressful experience for patients and their families. Neurology Solutions sponsors a deep brain stimulation support group monthly to provide a chance to meet and learn from others with Parkinson’s disease who have undergone DBS surgery. Many of our patients report that talking to other patients before having DBS surgery provided them great comfort and helped them reach a decision about surgery.

Individuals in the Austin area who have undergone DBS surgery or are considering this option and their families are welcome to join the DBS Support Group at 2 p.m., the third Friday of every month at Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center office.

Who is a Candidate for Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery?

Deep brain stimulation surgery is generally considered when quality of life is no longer acceptable and medicine no longer addresses symptoms of disorders such as Parkinson’s, essential tremor and dystonia effectively. Research indicates that deep brain stimulation’s benefits may be just as promising for people in the earlier stages of Parkinson’s, and individuals at minimal risk who can get benefit from the treatment should consider this option. Read on to find out if you are a candidate for DBS.

Physical Therapy at Neurology Solutions with Dr. Eric Rhoden

Movement Disorders require Specialized Care

Movement disorders are complex diseases with physical and psychological symptoms that can affect not only the patient, but those close to them. No one test, scan or checklist can accurately diagnose movement disorders. Choosing the right physician to diagnose and manage the condition is an important decision.

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