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Less invasive Deep Brain Stimulation implant

Neurosurgeon Dr. Anant Patel, who is affiliated with St. David’s North Austin Medical Center, and Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center Medical Director Dr. Robert Izor are at the forefront of a less invasive, more precise Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) implant procedure. The new surgical technique streamlines the process for undergoing DBS surgery—requiring one less procedure and five fewer incisions.

The new DBS implant technique uses the latest imaging and surgical programming equipment and eliminates the need for placement of bone marker screws prior to DBS surgery.

YOPD patient Austin neurology clinic

YOPD patient unveils glass mosaic at neurology clinic

Last fall, Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center commissioned an art installation from YOPD patient Alex Andron, who creates mosaic art as part of his Parkinson’s management. The Austin artist unveiled the piece–a glass mosaic artwork depicting the icon in the Neurology Solutions logo–earlier this month in the neurology clinic’s patient waiting area.

Andron says deep brain stimulation surgery has played an important role in allowing him to restore the fine motor skills needed to pursue his craft.

Young Onset Parkinson’s patient shares her 20-year journey

Roxana Zapata sees her Parkinson’s disease as somewhat of an unwelcome house guest: She’s a little controlling, she usually gets her own way, and she won’t be ignored.

Roxana’s journey began when she was 39 years old: Right about the time her career as a sixth grade teacher in Laredo, Texas, started to take off, so did her Parkinson’s disease.

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