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The Evolution of Deep Brain Stimulation: Advancements and Innovations

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson’s disease offers relief from debilitating symptoms and can restore hope for a better quality of life. However, like any advanced medical technology, DBS device programming and troubleshooting by a movement disorder specialist is needed to ensure optimal performance. That’s where Neurology Solutions shines as a leader in DBS programming […]

Considering Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Movement Disorders?

Living with a movement disorder can be daunting, affecting every facet of one’s life. Conditions like Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, and dystonia can significantly diminish your quality of life, causing stiffness and involuntary movements. Amidst this challenge, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) emerges as a beacon of hope. DBS is an option for treating movement disorders, […]

Why Awake DBS Is Still The Best Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

If you’re curious about deep brain stimulation (DBS), you’re not alone. It’s one of the most promising Parkinson’s disease treatments out there for patients whose symptoms can’t be controlled with medications. Here at Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center, we implant DBS leads in very specific parts of the brain — accurate to under a millimeter […]

Less invasive Deep Brain Stimulation implant

Neurosurgeon Dr. Anant Patel, who is affiliated with St. David’s North Austin Medical Center, and Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center Medical Director Dr. Robert Izor are at the forefront of a less invasive, more precise Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) implant procedure. The new surgical technique streamlines the process for undergoing DBS surgery—requiring one less procedure and five fewer incisions.

The new DBS implant technique uses the latest imaging and surgical programming equipment and eliminates the need for placement of bone marker screws prior to DBS surgery.

Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation Advancements

Dr. Robert Izor of Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center joined Austin’s KXAN News Studio 512 last week to talk about advancements in Medtronic deep brain stimulation (DBS) therapy, a surgical treatment for patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and disorders such as dystonia and essential tremor. In 2016, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved Medtronic DBS therapy for use in people with early Parkinson’s disease—at least four-years duration—with recent onset of motor complications not adequately controlled with medication.

DBS-device manufacturer Medtronic is at the forefront of new, more precise programming technology allowing the DBS current field to stimulate deeper areas of the brain and alleviate stimulation-induced symptoms. Medtronic named Neurology Solutions the fourth-largest private DBS implant center in the country and the largest such center managing DBS patients in Texas.

Young Onset Parkinson’s Inspires Austin man to Pursue Goals

Neurology Solutions patient Alex Andron’s path has traversed a successful career on Wall Street to new ventures as an artist, author and adventurer who plans to climb to the peak of Hawaii’s Mauna Kea in August as an advocate for Parkinson’s disease (PD). Andron, who was diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson’s disease (YOPD) at 35 years old, is currently completing an autobiographical book about his experience with YOPD, No Limits, scheduled for release this spring.

He tracks his journey on his blog,, and shares his inspiring story of accepting and overcoming the challenges of living with YOPD.

DBS troubleshooting evaluation

Neurology Solutions offers DBS troubleshooting evaluations

Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center is offering same-day DBS troubleshooting evaluations for new implanted patients to assess deep brain stimulation problems and failures. Patients will receive an initial 1-1/2 hour medical consultation and multiple follow-up programming sessions, as needed, until optimal DBS results are achieved. Neurology Solutions will thoroughly analyze your DBS system as part of the DBS evaluation to determine adequate medication dosing, optimal lead placement, and to investigate problems related to stimulation or hardware.

Neurology Solutions providers oversee the post-operative management of more than 150 patients with DBS.

deep brain stimulation support and learning

Deep Brain Stimulation Learning, Support Group

Undergoing surgery for Deep Brain Stimulation can be a stressful experience for patients and their families. Neurology Solutions sponsors a deep brain stimulation support group monthly to provide a chance to meet and learn from others with Parkinson’s disease who have undergone DBS surgery. Many of our patients report that talking to other patients before having DBS surgery provided them great comfort and helped them reach a decision about surgery.

Individuals in the Austin area who have undergone DBS surgery or are considering this option and their families are welcome to join the DBS Support Group at 2 p.m., the third Friday of every month at Neurology Solutions Movement Disorders Center office.

Medtronic deep brain stimulation risks results

Medtronic Deep Brain Stimulation: Precision, Risks & Results

Neurology Solutions Medical Director Dr. Robert Izor has participated in more than 200 Medtronic deep brain stimulation procedures since 2004 with St. David’s Medical Center Neurosurgeon Anant Patel. Using high resolution advanced imaging technology, Dr. Izor and Dr. Patel have been able to precisely target specific areas of the brain signaling motor symptoms, allowing for excellent DBS response and no side effects. This article will lay out the most common risks and results of deep brain stimulation surgery as well as explain why “awake DBS” is the gold standard for optimal precision.

What is the process for DBS surgery

What is the process for DBS surgery?

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) therapy is used to disrupt the abnormal nerve signals causing motor symptoms in conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), tremor and dystonia. DBS implant surgery is a performed in a three-stage process followed by several initial programming sessions.

In this article, we will describe which areas of the brain are targeted for specific conditions and the process for DBS surgery.

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